Sunday 19 October 2008

Africa Microfinance Bank of the Year Award 2008

Equity Bank, the innovative Kenyan microfinance bank has been shortlisted for the African Microfinance bank of the year for this year's prestigious African Bankers Awards, 2008 to be held at Washington DC, USA.

Our dear Equity is currently the biggest bank in Kenya in terms of accounts-over 2.8 million accounting for over 48% percent of all bank accounts in Kenya. The bank infrustructure is supported by an 88 branch network, 350 VISA ATMs and 2500 Points of Sales. We at MicrofinanceKenya Blogspot wish them the best of luck.

Kenyans are not mediocre - we are olympic champions, our own has won Nobel prize etc - Equity keep the flag high. We are proud of how you have transformed microfinance landscape in Kenya.



Anonymous said...


I fully support Equity to get the award. They definetely deserve it. But at the same time, they should reduce interest. Its one of the most expensive banks in Kenya.


Anonymous said...

What happened to KREP? I thought they were the best microfinance in 1990s? Are they still providing microfinance services in Kenya?

John, Boston

Anonymous said...


KREP could not get it. Their transformation was not well managed and they have lost it. Bankers cannot provide leadership in microfinance and vice versa.
